'' Eat Beetroot dear ... respecting the body and blood as saying uttuvom children. Beetroot iron, the body is supported by the formation of new blood cells. At the time of the Romans, fever, constipation, ulcers, skin problems and correct, pitruttai used. Lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation has various medicinal benefits of beetroot.
'Green vegetables, greens, fruits, dates, such as eating large amounts of FIG, if you look to increase the amount of blood, four days per week cappittale pitruttai enough. Get good results. Vitamins A, B 1, B 2, B 6, niacin and iron, sodium, potassium, iodine, which include micronutrients such as copper. Cooking and eating are very effective at eating raw.
Soaked in lemon sauce to be eaten raw, cut pitruttai, the red blood cells produced.
Ate beetroot juice to mix with the vellariccaru, cirunirakankalum refining bile.
Lliral disorders, vata, pitta and beetroot are making frequent vomiting of bile, the best tonic. Like cooking and eating lettuce and spinach, beetroot, ulcers, healing of diseases like jaundice.
Pitruttai grind juice, mixed with honey to be eaten, ulcer healing.
For several months, constipation, problems such sufferers through the night before going to bed, drink half a glass of beetroot juice mixed with water.
Adding beetroot juice digestion removes indigestion.
Beetroot juice and mix with alum powder in the body burning, itching where applied, and immediately feel better.
Doctor Sridhar
Thursday, April 3, 2014
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